
id:garage-kid@76whizkidz のライフログ・ブログ!

Review of the electronic version of Nikkei newspaper.



Today's topic is "Review of the electronic version of nikkei newspaper".

I'm using Saikyo-line to commute to the office.
As you know, Saikyo-line is very very crowded during morning commute.

I'm usually reading a nikkei newspaper during on the train.
Reading newspaper take too much space, it get other passengers feel bad, and I feel others bad feelins, it also make me feel bad.

So, last day I subscribe electronic version of nikkei news paper.

Using iPhone application of electronic version of nikkei, now I dont need much space to read the newspaper, I meet an objective.
But unfortunately I can't satisfied with electronic version of nikkei.

There are some awful specification of electronic version of nikkei.

The most irritate point is, they have no some kind of family plan.

Electric version of nikkei has two types of service.
Service for PC and Service for Mobile.

For PC service, only one person can login at a same time.
If your family want read at the same time at the different location of you, you need to logout from the service.

For Mobile version, Only one mobile device allow to use mobile service.
If you have two iPhone, only first iPhone can use electric version of nikkei application, second iPhone cannot use application.

If you have a family, and your family someone want use electric version of nikkei frequently, you need another subscription for the electronic version of nikkei.
It means you need to pay more \4,000.

I probably allow \500 additional payment for the family.
But \4,000 is too expensive.

I hope them, nikkei, to make a KAIZEN of their service.

I think about why they make such a awful specification of electronic version of nikkei.

I think they are lack of customer point of view.
They probably think only for their profit.

Our company also provides many kind of service.
We can learn from nikkei.
If we provide new service, or update the previous services specifications, It is important for us to think twice our service can satisfy our customers or not.

That's all for my today's few words.

Thank you for your hearing of my few words.