Today I want to talk about a problem caused by my hobby.Some of you already know, one of my hobby is reading books. I have nearly thousand or more books in my house.But there is one big problem. The problem is books take many space, and it makes my living space very small. I have two bookshelf, but these are full of books. So most of book is pilled up on the floor. I love books , but seeing the pilled up books I dont feel comportable. One day, this is not good, I think. So from last year I take following 4 action to get back my living space from my books.
1. Just put off.
Unneccesally book, I just put off. But there is not so many unneccesally book.So, this is not work well.
2. Sell the book.
it is very heavy work, because the books are very heavy. and this is not pay well
3. Not buy paperbook, buy e-book.
This seems to pretty good, but there is not enough e-book in the market. It will become good in the future, but not enough work yet.
4. Make e-book by myself.
This is now my progressing thing.Two weeks ago, I bought a document scanner and cut down machine, and make a e-book by myself. I just do about one hundred books, but I feel this will go well.Because doing this, not only getting back living place by mybooks but also I can mobile book anywhere by using smart phone.
That's all.
If you have another good idea for this kind of HACK, please share with me.