
id:garage-kid@76whizkidz のライフログ・ブログ!

Buffer が Hack されていた模様


今日、以下のようなメールを Buffer - A better way to share on social media から受け取りました。

Hi there,

I wanted to get in touch to apologize for the awful experience we've caused many of you on your weekend. Buffer was hacked around 1 hour ago, and many of you may have experienced spam posts sent from you via Buffer. I can only understand how angry and disappointed you must be right now.

Not everyone who has signed up for Buffer has been affected, but you may want to check on your accounts. We're working hard to fix this problem right now and we're expecting to have everything back to normal shortly.

We're posting continual updates on the Buffer Facebook page and the Buffer Twitter page to keep you in the loop on everything.

The best steps for you to take right now and important information for you:

Remove any postings from your Facebook page or Twitter page that look like spam

  • Keep an eye on Buffer's Twitter page and Facebook page
  • Your Buffer passwords are not affected
  • No billing or payment information was affected or exposed
  • All Facebook posts sent via Buffer have been temporarily hidden and will reappear once we've resolved this situation

I am incredibly sorry this has happened and affected you and your company. We're working around the clock right now to get this resolved and we'll continue to post updates on Facebook and Twitter.

If you have any questions at all, please respond to this email. Understandably, a lot of people have emailed us, so we might take a short while to get back to everyone, but we will respond to every single email.

  • Joel and the Buffer team

決済情報やら、パスワードは取られていないようですが、ユーザな方は引き続き Buffer の TwitterFacebook Pageを注視しておいたほうがよさそうです。

(Facebook Page を見ている限り相当頑張ってくれているようです)

